Kingdom of Piracy
Kingdom of Piracy
インターネットは、デジタルを介したデータの共有を可能にした。「クリエイティブ・コモンズ」に代表される、デジタルにおける情報の共有とそれによる新たな創造に向け、アートを介してそその可能性を実践的に検討するためのオンライン・プロジェクトとして、メディアアーティストのシュー・リー・チェンを中心に、台湾のAcer Digital Art Centerの委嘱で制作されたオンライン・プロジェクト。トップページは、情報が共有される海「Open Sea」となっている。開設当時、ネットアーティストやハッカーによる作品、テキストで構成され、以後後各地で新たなプロジェクトをオンラインおよびオフラインで追加していった。
・オンライン・パイロット版リリース:2001年12月9日 エーサー・デジタルアートセンター(台湾・台北)/同月、台北MOCA、高雄市立美術館でプレゼンテーションを開催
・その後以下で新たなプロジェクトを追加し展開:オランダ・ロッテルダム(DEAF03、V2)、英国リバプール(FACT Centre、2003)、サンフランシスコ(イエルパ・ブエナ芸術センター、2003)、東京(ICC、2005)など。
1) 2001:エイサー・デジタルアートセンター(台北)
アート・プロジェクト:Low Level_All_Stars (BEIGE vs. RSG)、Global Village Health Manual v.1 (Raqs Media Collective + Joy Chatterjee)、Stealth Waltz (Mukul Patel & Manu Luksch)、injunction generator(、The File That Wouldn't Leave(、ResourceHanger+ (doubleNegatives)、I love you, world (Vladimir Radisic)、Explorer 98 game (EASTWOOD - Real Time Strategy Group)、HIGH BALL (エキソニモ)、Warriors of Perception: Search and Manifest (Agnese Trocchi)、i_Biology Patent Engine: (i-BPE)(Diane Ludin)、All Universe for heike, dragan and internet explorer (Olia Lialina)、OmniCleaner (Dragan Espenschied, Andreas Milles and Alvar Freude)
テキスト・プロジェクト:The Right to Copy: Local study on piracy as an art form (Whiteg weng)、Towards an Army of Ideas - Oppositional Intellect & The Bad Frontier (J.J. King)、Culture Without Commodities:From Dada to Open Source and Beyond (Felix Stalder)
2) 2002年9月7日-12日:アルスエレクトロニカ(オーストリア・リンツ)
インスタレーション&イベント「Kingdom of Piracy」
3) 2003年2月22日-3月27日:ファクト・センター(英国リバプール)I
アート・プロジェクト:Frequency Clock (r a d i o q u a l i a) 、Nine9” (Harwood/Mongrel)、 (Michel Breidenbruecker. Felix Miller. Martin Stiksel. Thomas Willomitzer)
出版:『DIVE』(CD ROMと冊子)*エッセイ、ソフトウェア、リンク
シンポジウム:3月7日 14:00 - 18:00
BURNパーティ:3月8日 14:00-17:00(DJ: Mukul, Shane Solanki、Special VJゲスト: jaromil)
4) 2003年2月23日-3月1日: 「LOG」 @ DEAF03(オランダ・ロッテルダム)
5) 2004年1月17日-4月4日:「GAME COMMONS @ GAME SCENES」@ イエルパ・ブエナ芸術センター(米国サンフランシスコ)
アート・プロジェクト:S3GA MarkII(portable[k]ommunity / 日本)、Civilization IV - Age of Empire is a project (Eastwood Real Time Strategy Group / セルビア・モンテネグロ)、Logicaland ( / オーストリア)
6) 2005年4月29日-7月3日「ワークインプログレス・インスタレーション/フォーラム :
《コモンズ|テールズ|ルールズ — KOP(キングダム・オブ・パイラシー)リサーチ&ディヴェロプメント》」@ NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター[ICC](東京)
パネル・ディスカッション:6月4日 14:00-
ワークショップ「PLAY THE RULES」:6月5日14:00-
Kingdom of Piracy (2001-2005)
Joint Curation: Shu Lea Cheang, Armin Medosch, Yukiko Shikata
Online Pilot Launch: December 9, 2001 Acer Digital Art Center, Taiwan
Onsite Premiere: September 7 - 12, Ars Enectronica 2002, Linz
Kingdom of Piracy
Curatorial statement:
Kingdom of Piracy
In April 2002 the leadership and direction of ADAC changed. At about the same time a major anti-piracy initiative was launched in Taiwan.
Curatorial concept:
In the emergent information, or immaterial, economy, Intellectual Property (IP) - copyrighted content and patented ideas - constitutes the central resource of many of its biggest industries, from IT to entertainment, pharmaceuticals and biotech. The definition of Intellectual Property Rights in the digital domain has emerged as one of the central struggles to shape the culture of the information society.
Less than a decade ago, the Internet promised free and unlimited exchange of digital cultural goods. In recent years, however, the spectre of "piracy" has been replacing this utopia. In the wake of this shift a repressive regime is being installed to clamp down on what is seen as a threat to the information economy. Content industries employ armies of lawyers to shut down peer-to-peer file sharing networks and write laws preventing any and all circumvention of copyright protection mechanisms. The latter is aimed to bolster the relatively new approach to enforce copyright through special software, known as digital rights management systems (DRMS) which should make the unauthorized copying of ebooks, music and video files impossible. These systems fundamentally change the nature of ownership. Culturally important, even essential, notions such as fair use are being eroded in favour of total control of the owners over the uses of their content.
In this brave new world, the buyer receives a limited license to use a file rather than "owns" a record, video or book. The balance of power shifts to companies that hoard big libraries of copyrighted material. These companies, mostly big multinational conglomerates, have recently been brandmarked as 'data lords', because they can control how we can see, hear, read, process digital content that we legally own.
The rigid enforcement of intellectual property rights worldwide through patents, copyright, anti-piracy laws is resisted by a loose but growing alliance of scientists, researchers, free software and open source developers, artists, lawyers and teachers. They fear that the barriers for innovation are being set too high by the data-lords. By building digital and legal fences around information, the costs of access for educational, scientific and artistic institutions and practices are becoming prohibitive. As a consequence intellectual life and radical innovation are in danger of being choked in the interest of a few who control how existing information can be used for the creation of new one.
The purpose of Kingdom of Piracy
Contrary to frequent claims, intellectual property rights are not universal. They have no history in Asia, for example. Demonstrative destructions of millions of pirated CDs and DVDs in China, part of the spectacle of the country's entry into the WTO, do not change the fact that much of the Asian continent is still operating on its own terms. The burst bubble of dot-commerce in the early 21st century has plunged Taiwan and Asia's electronic supply industries into recession, keeping the divide between Western and Eastern economies as wide as ever.
The Kingdom of Piracy is everywhere where there is radical innovation: on the fringes and in the mainstream high-tech economies, from Asia to Eastern Europe to the data havens of Sealand and hackers' garages in Silicon Valley. The digital commons is bathing in millions of MP3s and an endless supply of warez. Codes for appropriation, cut-and-paste, replication, sampling and remixing have long been established as artistic practice.
Kingdom of Piracy
2001: Acer Digital Art Center (Taiwan)
Artist Projects: Low Level_All_Stars (BEIGE vs. RSG), Global Village Health Manual v.1 (Raqs Media Collective + Joy Chatterjee), Stealth Waltz (Mukul Patel & Manu Luksch),
injunction generator(, The File That Wouldn't Leave
(, ResourceHanger+ (doubleNegatives), I love you, world (Vladimir Radisic), Explorer 98 game (EASTWOOD - Real Time Strategy Group),, HIGH BALL (exonemo), Warriors of Perception: Search and Manifest (Agnese Trocchi),
i_Biology Patent Engine: (i-BPE) (Diane Ludin),All Universe for heike, dragan and internet explorer (Olia Lialina),OmniCleaner (Dragan Espenschied, Andreas Milles and Alvar Freude)
Writing Projects: The Right to Copy: Local study on piracy as an art form (Whiteg weng), Towards an 淾rmy of Ideas - Oppositional Intellect & The Bad Frontier (J.J. King), Culture Without Commodities:From Dada to Open Source and Beyond (Felix Stalder)
2) 2002: Ars Electronica2002 (Linz)
Installation and events: “Kingdom of Piracy”
3) 2003 Fact Centre, Liverpool (February 22 - March 27)
Artist Projects: Frequency Clock (r a d i o q u a l i a ), Nine9” (Harwood/Mongrel), (Michel Breidenbruecker. Felix Miller. Martin Stiksel. Thomas Willomitzer)
Installation: “BURN”
Publication: “DIVE” CD ROM and booklet with essays, software, links
Symposium: Friday, 7 March, 2-6 PM
BURN Party: Saturday, 8 March, 2-5 PM (Djs: Mukul, Shane Solanki. Special VJ guest: jaromil)
4) 2003: “LOG” @ DEAF03, Rotterdams (February 25 - March 1)
5) 2004: “GAME COMMONS @ GAME SCENES”@ Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco (January 17 - April 4, 2004)
Artist Projects: S3GA MarkII (portable[k]ommunity / Japan), Civilization IV - Age of Empire is a project (Eastwood Real Time Strategy Group / Serbia and Montenegro),
Logicaland ( / Austria)
6) 2005: Work-in-Progress Installation / Forum “Commons|Tales|Rules - KOP Research &was Development” Initiators: Shu Lea Cheang + Armin Medosch (KOP)
at “open nature” Exhibition @ NTT InterCommunication Center[ICC] (April 29 - July 3)
-Installation “Open Sea”
-June 4: Panel Discussion
-June 5: Workshop “PLAY THE RULES”