Photo: 丸尾隆一(YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo by Ryuichi Maruo (YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo: 丸尾隆一(YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo by Ryuichi Maruo (YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo: 丸尾隆一(YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo by Ryuichi Maruo (YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo: 丸尾隆一(YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo by Ryuichi Maruo (YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo: 丸尾隆一(YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo by Ryuichi Maruo (YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo: 丸尾隆一(YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

Photo by Ryuichi Maruo (YCAM), Courtesy of YCAM

カールステン・ニコライ+マルコ・ペリハン「polar m[mirrored]」


Carsten Nicolai + Marko Peljhan "polar m[mirrored]"


カールステン・ニコライ+マルコ・ペリハン「polar m[ポーラーエム]」

*阿部一直(YCAM) との共同キュレーション

2000年のカールステン・ニコライとマルコ・ペリハンコラボレーションによる初のインタラクティブ・インスタレーション「polar」(キヤノン・アートラボ第10回企画展)では、人間の想念を物質化させる「ソラリスの海」(S・レムの1961年の原作「惑星ソラリス」とA・タルコフスキーによる1972年の映画化)を発想の起点とし、知的生命体のように複雑化していく情報生態系を提示した。それから10年、同じアーティストとキュレーターによりYCAM委嘱作品として制作された「polar m[ポーラーエム]」では「放射線」に注目し、リアルタイムの可視化・可聴化により私たちと環境とのミクロかつマクロな関係性を投げかけた。「polar」において2人の体験者だけが内部に入れたキューブ空間(7x7x4m)(外からは誰も見ることができない)は、本作ではダブルになり左右対称的に設置、一つは内部に入れ(内部観測的)、もう一つは外部からのみ見ることができた。展覧会終了翌月に、東日本大震災、津波に伴う東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故が起き、膨大な人工放射線が環境に放出された。


‘polar’とは何か / アートからの環境観測:
カールステン・ニコライとマルコ・ペリハンによって特別なプロジェクトと位置づけられる’polar’。このタイトルは本来、対局性、極地を示しますが、‘polar’では、現実空間と情報空間とを関連づける地球の電磁場や放射線、磁極の意味を含めています。また、地球環境と情報環境をアートの視点から10年毎の長周期で観測し、未知なる極地としての 環境を探査する意味が込められています。本プロジェクトでは、先端的なメディアテクノロジーを駆使し、私たちが生きている環境の中に潜む巨視的かつ微視的な不可視の関係性を、映像や音響として精緻に表現し、絶え間なく変化を重ねる環境の現存性に対しての新たな意識や眼差しを提示します。

‘polar’ 2000 から’polar’ 2010へ:


アーキテクチャー/ハードウェア:ロブ・ファイゲル・オフィス、Vorschub、ZAVOD PROJEKT ATOL、C-Astral Ltd.

Carsten Nicolai + Marko Peljhan “polar m[mirrored]”
November 13, 2010 - February 6, 2011
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]

*Co-curated with Kazunao Abe(YCAM)

“polar m[mirrored]” was produced 10 years after the first interactive installation “polar” by Carsten Nicolai + Marko Peljhan (ARTLAB10, Canon ARTLAB, 2000), ” by reflecting further investigations of each artist and latest media technology, with same curators Kazunao Abe and Yukiko Shikata, commissioned by YCAM. As “polar” (2000) was an AI-like information entity by leaning environmental data (analog/digital), inspired by the “Solaris Ocean” in “Solaris” (SF by S.Lem in 1961, film by A.Tarkovsky), “polar m” focused to the micro- and macroscopic relations between us and environment by making “radiation” perceivable visually, acoustically realtime. A 7x7x4m cubic structure, in which only two participants could enter to experience the work without any to see from outside, was “doubled” at “polar m”, located symmetrically in the exhibition space, one to get inside (internal observation), the other to see only outside. One month after the exhibition is over, a severe explosion of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant scattered artificial radiation

[from Exhibition Flyer]

polar - environmental observation in art:
initiated by carsten nicolai and marko peljhan, “polar” is being considered as a very special project while the title refers to polarity and polar regions in its original meaning. “polar m” adds to this the earth’s electromagnetic fields, radiation and magnetic poles as connectors between real and information landscapes. another notion contained in the project title is the aim to explore this environment as an unknown polar zone via long term observation of earth and data environments from an artistic point of view. in this project macroscopic and microscopic invisible relationships hidden in the environment in which we live are exquisitely translated into a mix of images and sounds using cutting-edge media technology, to propose a new awareness and perception of the actuality of our ceaselessly transforming environment.

from “polar” (2000) to “polar m” (2010):
ten years on from the “polar” installation in 2000, “polar m” raises the question how the mechanisms of no longer clearly definable human existence work in an age when the massive progress and penetration of information technology has brought along fluctuating environmental spheres. what does all the innovation and exploration of technology beyond our imagination aim to get closer to? this exhibition closes up on the phenomenon of “radiation” as a method of environmental exploration that is deeply rooted in physical nature. the installation landscape depicts the process of environmental creation from a viewpoint based on the earth’s radiation and electromagnetic ecosystem.

environmental spheres defined by radiation:
along with two cube-shaped structures placed symmetrically on the left and right side. there are objects/observatoria installed in the exhibition space. a set of geiger counters, a radiation generator, HF radio receivers and a cloud chamber (device for visualizing radiation). various forms of exposure to radioactive rays - including the visitor’s experience of the installation itself - detected with this setup trigger minute motion graphics and a wide frequency range of sounds, which ultimately cause a transformation of the entire exhibition space along with his or her own individual spatial experience of the installation. each visitor will face the exhibition’s central question why are there two corresponding cubes placed in the room?

▶ polar m[mirrored] アーカイブ ▶ polar m[mirrored] Archive(Japanese) ▶ polar m[mirrored] 映像記録 ▶ polar m[mirrored] Movie ▶ 名古屋大学学術機関リポジトリ ▶ Nagoya Repository / Nagoya University (Japanese)
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