Forking Piragene

Forking Piragene

左:大山龍「違和感/変化/状態」、右:玄米の成長ホルモン入り寒天と座薬試食&吸引@Kitchen Social Act

Left: Ryu Oyama "Discomfort / state / changing”, right: growth hormone to eat in agar and suppositories, to inhale at Kitchen Social Act

アドリアナ・ノウフ「Exomio Fragmissionns」展示

Adriana Knouf "Exomio Fragmissions”

トゥー=ツン・リー+ウィニー・スーン「 forkonomy() 」ワークショップ(2020/12/19-20)

Tzu-Tung Lee + Winnie Soon's “Forkonomy ()” workshop (2020/12/19-20)

テレサ・トゥン=フイ・ツァオ+ポール・ゴン+ポー=ミン・ウー「超免疫北市 (UITC)」展示

Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao + Paul Gong + Po-Min Wu "Ultra Immune Taipei City (UITC)”

イパ・チウ+チア=リャン・カオ+ g0v「IDystopia 2035」

Ipa Chiu + Chia-Liang Kao + g0v "IDystopia 2035"




From left: Shu Lea Cheang/Moderator, Audrey Tang, Shikata at “Ilya…存在者” Shu  Lea on December 16, 2020 at C-Lab

Lab Kill Lab

Lab Kill Lab


Entrance of Taipei C-Lab

Forking Piragene


Forking Piragene


Forking Piragene
会場:台北 C-Lab
*「Lab Kill Lab」(コンセプト/監修:シュー・リー・チェン)の5つのラボの一つとして、ワークステーション形式で展開

「Forking Piragene」 は、2001年に開始されたデジタルコモンズやパイラシーを検討するオンラインプロジェクト「Kingdom of Piracy」(-2005/共同キュレーター:シュー・リー・チェン、アルミン・メドッシュ、四方幸子)に遡る。この中で、当時実現しなかった企画、イリヤ・エリック・リー(シー・チェー・リー)とオートリユス・タン(現:台湾のデジタル大臣・オードリー・タン)による「Pira4all: PiraGene Discovery Campaign, Ilya Eric Lee's Gene Study」と「PiraPort」を、5組のアーティストやプログラマーが現代において再解釈、フォーク(派生)させる試みである。
当時天才的プログラマー兼ハッカーとしてCivic Techを牽引していたリーとタンの企画は、デジタルやバイオデータの監視や管理の問題を鋭く突いていた。「Forking Piragene」では、科学技術が高度に発達した現在、より深刻化するこの問題とともに、この年初頭から猛威を振るったCOVID-19についての考察も取り込まれた。「Forking Piragene」は、カリスマ的存在となりながら2019年に急逝したイリヤを偲ぶ側面を持つ。会期中に開催したオードリー・タンと四方によるトーク「Ilya…存在者」は、 彼への追悼の意味が込められている。

「Forking Piragene」はまた、「Lab Kill Lab」の他のラボ(「WATERIA」「RICE ACADEMY RICE BUG REVOLT」「PHYTOPIA」「TECHNOIA」)と共有する要素も多く、ラボを超えてアーティストたちが触発し合うだけでなく、来場者やイベント参加者とのコミュニケーションが誘発された。それこそが、チェンが構想した「ラボのラボ」と言えるだろう。

アドリアナ・ノウフ「Exomio Fragmissions」
テレサ・トゥン=フイ・ツァオ+ポール・ゴン+ポー=ミン・ウー「超免疫北市 2035」
イパ・チウ+チア=リャン・カオ+ g0v「IDystopia」
*加えてMichael Connor(Rhizome, New York)キュレーションによる「RHIZOME ONLINE VERSION」(アーティスト:Harm VAN DEN DORPEL, Devin KENNY, Lynn Hershman LEESON, Sean RASPET & Francis TSENG, LIU Xin)を展示した。 

* * *


2020/12/16 "Forking Pirageneデー at LAB KILL LAB at C-LAB”

14:00-14:30 イントロダクション:ティン=ルウェイ・チュアン「1990s-00s初頭:イリヤ・エリック・リーそして「Kingdom of Piracy」について」
14:30-15:00 プレゼンテーション:テレサ・トゥン=フイ・ツァオ+ポール・ゴン+ポー=ミン・ウー「超免疫北市 2035」

15:00-15:30 プレゼンテーション:トゥー=ツン・リー「forkonomy()」
15:45-17:00 プレゼンテーション:イパ・チウ+チア=リャン・カオ+ g0v「IDystopia 2035」、対談:チア=リャン・カオ(g0v)、邱文聰(中研院法律所)、ティン=ルウェイ・チュアン、陳舜伶

18:00-1900 トーク「Il y a … 存在著…」オードリー・タン、四方幸子、シュー・リー・チェン/モデレーター
19:00-20:30 Kitchen Social Act:大山龍による玄米の成長ホルモン入り寒天と座薬試食&吸引イベント
21:00-22:00 リン・ハーシュマン「The Electronic Diaries」上映

Forking Piragene
December 14-20, 2020
Venue: C-Lab, Taipei
Organizer: C-Lab, Taipei
Co-curated by: Shu Lea Cheang + Yukiko Shikata
*“Forking Piragene” is one of five labs realized in the form of work station under the project “Lab Kill Lab” (Conceived & supervised by Shu Lea Cheang)

The origin of “Forking Piragene” goes back to an online project “Kingdom of Piracy” focusing on creativity possibility of Digital Commons and Piracy (2001-2005, Co-curated by Shu Lea Cheang + Armin Medosch + Yukiko Shikata). Among them, two project plans that were not realized at that time, "Pira4all: PiraGene Discovery Campaign, Ilya Eric Lee's Gene Study" and "PiraPort" by Ilya Eric Lee (Shih-Chieh Ilya Li) and Autrijus Tang, were reinterpreted and forked in “Forking Piragene” by five artists and programmers. Lee and Tang, who had begun to lead the Civic Tech community since later 1990s as genius programmers and hackers, were keenly aware of the then-concerned digital and biodata surveillance and control issues. It goes without saying that this has become a serious problem that cannot be compared with that time at the present time when science and technology are highly developed and spread. Additionally the issues of came out of COVID-19 were considered and interpreted.
On the other hand, “Forking Piragene" has a side to remember Ilya Eric Lee who passed away suddenly in 2019 while becoming a charismatic presence in Civic Tech. The other Autrijus has become Audrey Tang, who has demonstrated her abilities as Taiwan's first digital minister since 2016, and COVID-19 has been the first to attract worldwide attention for its ICT-based measures. During the session, the author held a talk entitled "Ilya ... Existence" to talk to Tang about the present from that time, in memory of Ilya.

"Forking Piragene" was consisted of five new projects made from actuality in the present age while referring to the 2001 plans by Lee and Tang, and “RHIZOME ONLINE VERSION” curated by Michael Connor (Rhizome, New York) was also introduced.
It was based on the compatibility of digital and biodata due to the rapid progress of synthetic biology since the 21st century, and consisted of projects to requestioning the boundaries of digital and analog, life and non-life, human and non-human (including microorganisms and viruses.
During 7 days, many on- and off-line and talks, workshops were held. Each project of "Forking Piragene" is diverse, but the concerning issues are connected to each other, and as a whole, it raised us to imagine the future from the present science and technology and post-pandemic era.
"Forking Piragene" also had many elements shared with other labs in “Lab Kill Lab" (“WATERIA”, "RICE ACADEMY RICE BUG REVOLT", “PHYTOPIA", “TECHNOIA”) and through activities during the session, they were organically connected. That is the state to be called as the "laboratory lab (or “Lab of Lab”)“ that Cheang envisioned.

Ryu Oyama "Discomfort / state / changing”
Adriana Knouf "Exomio Fragmissions”
Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao + Paul Gong + Po-Min Wu "Ultra Immune Taipei City (UITC)"
Tzu-Tung Lee + Winnie Soon's “Forkonomy ()”
Ipa Chiu + Chia-Liang Kao + g0v "IDystopia 2035"
*Additionally, "RHIZOME ONLINE VERSION” curated by Michael Connor (Rhizome, New York) was introduced. (Artists: Harm VAN DEN DORPEL, Devin KENNY, Lynn Hershman LEESON, Sean RASPET & Francis TSENG, LIU Xin)


2020/12/16 "Forking Piragene Day at LAB KILL LAB at C-LAB

14:00-14:30 Introduction: Tyng-Ruey Chuang on 1990s-early 2000s: Ilya Eric Lee and “Kingdom of Piracy”
14:30-15:00 Presentation: Theresa Tsun-Hui Tsao + Paul Gong + Po-Min Wu "Ultra Immune Taipei City (UITC)"
15:00-15:30 Presentation: Tzu-Tung Lee “Forkonomy ()”
15:45-17:00 Presentation: Ipa Chiu + Chia-Liang Kao + g0v "IDystopia 2035”, Discussion: Chia-Liang Kao (g0v), 邱文聰、Tyng-Ruey Chuang、陳舜伶

18:00-1900 Conversation “Il y a… 存在著…” Audrey Tang, Yukiko Shikata, Shu Lea Cheang/ Moderator
19:00-20:30 Kitchen Social Act including Ryu Oyama’s event to make growth hormone eat in soil (agar medium) and suppositories, to inhale it.
21:00-22:00 Lynn Hershman “The Electronic Diaries” Screening
*Exhibition was open until 22:00.

▶ Lab Kill Lab ▶ Lab Kill Lab ▶ オードリー・タンとのトーク記録全編(和訳) ▶ Movie of conversation with Audrey Tang and Yukiko Shikata
© 2020 yukiko shikata All Rights Reserved